Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



15 June 2006

Gomel MPs discuss improvement of local government system

Today Gomel opened a two-day seminar for representatives of institutions of local governing. Partaking in the seminar are heads of regional, town and rural executive committees. Chairman of the Gomel oblast council of deputies Valeriy Selitskiy noted that the implementation of targets of the socio-economic development for 2006-2010 will greatly depend on performance of institutions of local governing. According to him, it is necessary to improve the situation with personnel in rural executive committees. Apart from that, rural executive committees should be revealed from uncustomary activities such as milk collection. Lacking special facilities (refrigerators and labs) executive committees are unable to duly perform this duty. Today heads of regional and town councils will take part in a round-table discussion “Improvement of work of institutions of local governing”. They will also visit Gomel production association Kristall, republican scientific and practical center of radiation medicine and human ecology. Tomorrow on June 16, they will attend a session of the oblast council of deputies.
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