Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



28 January 2008

Gomel oblast adopts plan of action to increase efficiency of regional economy in 2008

The Gomel Oblast Executive Committee approved a plan of action to increase the efficiency of the regional economy in 2008. The document includes around 90 measures, BelTA was told in the oblast economy committee. The set of measures is aimed at intensifying the development of the region in all main areas. The region is set to achieve the goals by means of setting up new manufactures and intensifying investment activity. The measures include the development of a chalk deposit, construction of several bricks works and several other promising projects. The set of measures also provides for upgrading the construction and processing industries, energy saving measures and optimizing the agricultural production, development of small and medium settlements. A special emphasis will be placed on creating the environment conducive to foreign investors with a view to involving them in production projects in the Gomel oblast, the committee said.
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