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1 October 2007

Gomel oblast allocates Br19.8 billion to support elderly at residential homes

Around 2 thousand elderly live in residential homes of the Gomel oblast. In 2007, the oblast budget allocated Br19.8 billion, or Br2.1 billion up as against last year for their support, BelTA learnt from Alexandra Bakaras, the deputy chair of the labour and social protection committee of the Gomel Oblast Executive Committee. The allocated funds will be assigned mainly for medical care of the elderly, food and clothes purchasing. Around 400 thousand elderly live in the Gomel oblast now. According to the specialist, the main goal of social bodies is to support the people who are not able to settle their living problems on their own. To help the elderly, the social centers, which function in every region of the oblast, offer various services including consumer services and psychological aid.
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