Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



18 April 2006

Gomel oblast allocates Br770 million to bolster employment opportunities

The Gomel oblast executive committee took a decision to render financial assistance of Br770 million to economic entities to create 72 new jobs. The assistance will be rendered to enterprises and organizations located in Gomel, Leltchitsy and Svetlogorsk regions. In particular, the filial of construction train #716 of the construction unitary company “Beltransstroi” will get Br160,8 million to acquire special equipment and create 12 working places. The open joint stock company “Tabakvintorg” is entitled to the assistance of Br460 million to purchase the equipment for the shopping center “Lastochka” and 46 new jobs there. Owing to the state financial support new working places will be set up at the closed joint stock company “Alliance” (Leltchitsy), joint stock company “Svetlogosrsk precast concrete plant #11” which will be provided with Br107,38 million and Br40 million respectively. The means of the state fund of assistance to employment are granted as a loan for 24 months under the security of the banks servicing given economic entities.
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