Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



21 June 2007

Gomel oblast approves program of demographic security for 2007-2010

On June 21, a regular session of the Gomel Oblast Council of Deputies approved the program of demographic security of the Gomel oblast for 2007-2010. As BelTA learnt from head of the Health Department of the Gomel Oblast Executive Committee Nikolai Vasilkov, the main aim of the program is to stabilize the demographic situation in the Gomel oblast, to create prerequisites for demographic growth. Specialists have developed a number of the measures aimed at improving quality of life of families with children, improving reproductive health of the population, reducing sickness and death rate, preventing accidental deaths of people. According to Nikolai Vasilkov, the program foresees a wide disease prevention work of medical establishments and also their equipping with high-tech up-to-date devices to fight for people’s life and health more efficient. The program also foresees a number of the measures aimed at setting up conditions for physical activity and favorable habitat. According to Nikolai Vasilkov, the implementation of the measures included in the program will allow the region to fulfill the tasks set by the government. In particular, by 2011 the total birth-rate should reach 1.4-1.5 (today, the birth-rate is 1.2), the life interval should reach 70-72 years (an increase of 2-4 years).
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