Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



20 July 2011

Gomel Oblast, Chinese Inner Mongolia agree on cooperation

GOMEL, 20 July (BelTA) – The Gomel Oblast Executive Committee and China’s Inner Mongolia have signed an agreement on trade, economic, scientific, cultural cooperation, BelTA has learned. The document was signed during the official visit of the Chinese delegation to Gomel. On Belarus’ behalf the document was signed by Deputy Chairman of the Gomel Oblast Executive Committee Piotr Kirichenko. China was represented by the Main Advisor of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. According to Piotr Kirichenko, the agreements will help bolster trade, economic and humanitarian relations between the two regions. There is positive dynamics in the foreign economic cooperation between Gomel Oblast and China. Year on year, the export of Gomel Oblast to China increased nine times in 2010. In January-May 2011 it went up 40%. “We have good prospects for further cooperation. For instance, a joint assembly plant to manufacture agricultural harvesters was established in China with the participation of Gomselmash. Gomel Oblast implements investment projects with Chinese capital to build motorways, the region operates joint enterprises,” Piotr Kirichenko said. Main Advisor of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, in turn, said that there are plans to implement several economic and humanitarian projects in Gomel Oblast. Particularly, China wants to build a farmstead to promote agriculture and animal breeding, create joint ventures to manufacture agricultural machinery and process milk. Moreover, the parties are eager to organize tours for Belarusian and Chinese artists. For instance, Chinese folk companies will take part in the festival of choreography Sozhsky Karagod which will be held in Gomel in September.

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