Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



21 April 2008

Gomel oblast earns Br2b during nationwide voluntary clean-up day

The residents of the Gomel oblast earned Br2 billion during the nationwide voluntary clean-up day on April 19, BelTA was told in the economy committee of the Gomel oblast executive committee. Some 50% of earnings are expected to be transferred to the state budget and the rest will be spent on buying special medical equipment for children's units, hospitals, policlinics and maternity welfare centre in the Gomel oblast. During the previous voluntary clean-up day, the south-eastern region of the country earned Br1.74 billion. Around 580,000 residents of the Gomel oblast took part in the cleaning works. The volunteers were busy cleaning gardens, parks, sidewalks and yards. The workers of the biggest companies such as Production Association Gomselmash, Tsentrolit, ZLIN had an ordinary working day.
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