Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



3 May 2006

Gomel oblast generates over Br1,5 billion at nationwide subbotnik

According to the preliminary data, Gomel oblast labour collectives have gathered more than Br1,5 billion during the nationwide subbotnik on April 29, BelTA was informed in the economy committee of the Gomel oblast executive committee. About 590,000 residents of the oblast took part in the subbotnik. Some worked at their companies; some were engaged in the community development projects. Over 4,500 employees of Belorusneft production association generated about Br67 million. JSC Mozyr Oil Refinery transferred Br25 million to the subbotnik’s fund. Half of the proceedings generated during the subbotnik will be transferred to the account of the republican scientific and practical center “Mother and Child” as well as used for construction of houses for foster families. The other half will be utilized for purchase of equipment for oblast medical establishments as well as Gomel maternity hospital.
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