Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



6 October 2008

Gomel oblast harvests over 40,000 tonnes of onions

This year Gomel oblast agricultural companies are expected to harvest 40,000 tonnes of onions, a record high, BelTA learnt from Lyudmila Vabishchevich, Deputy Director General of the Gomel Oblast Association of Horticultural Producers. So far 48 agricultural companies of the region have collected 33,300 tonnes of onions, almost 6,000 tonnes more than last year. By the end of the harvesting campaign the agricultural producers plan to gather in another 8,000 tonnes. This year the oblast’s area under onions has been extended by 30% in comparison with last year to a total of 1,832 hectares. The average yield stands at 272 centners per hectare, with some companies reporting unbelievable yield. For example, the average yield in agricultural company Nivy, Zhlobin region, stands at 419 centners per hectare, that in Mozyr Vegetable Factory — 511 centners per hectare. Agrarians of the Gomel oblast have mastered the onion cultivation technology and have put a lot of efforts into getting a heavy yield. While in 2003 the onion harvest amounted to only 9,000 tonnes, in 2007 the figure exceeded 26,000 tonnes.

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