Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



17 April 2006

Gomel oblast hosts Belarusfilm artists and directors

Artistic meetings between Belarusfilm artists and the public are held in Gomel oblast on April 17-18. According to the information given to BelTA in the Gomel oblast executive committee’s press service, the meetings are timed to the sad anniversary of the Chernobyl catastrophe. Today artists will visit Gomel oblast lyceum. Tomorrow, on April 18 meetings will be held in Chechersk (cinema hall Oktyabr) and Buda-Kosheliovo (cinema hall Krynitsa). Among the Belarusfilm representatives are director Sergei Sychev (River-Banks, Return Day), People’s Artist of Belarus, leading actor of the National Academic Theater n. a. Yanka Kupala Gennady Garbuk (Swamp People, White Dews, Sign of Evil) and actress Angela Korableva (Guide, Dunechka, Little Fugitives). Scheduled for the event are films about the Chernobyl catastrophe “I remember” and “Chernobyl Cross” by Anatoly Alai and “Chernobyl Jungle” by Igor Byshnev.
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