Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



21 June 2007

Gomel oblast intends to settle problem of shortage of medical personnel by 2010

On June 21, a regular session of the Gomel Oblast Executive Committee considered and approved the Program of Health Protection for 2007-2010. In line with the program, the region intends to settle the problem of shortage of medical personnel by 2010 completely. Commenting upon the document, head of the Health Department of the Gomel Oblast Executive Committee Nikolai Vasilkov noted that the main aim of the program is to improve the health state of the population, to improve the quality of medical service. In 2007-2010, the regional medicine will be equipped with up-to-dare devices, high-tech kinds of medical aid will be developed. The program attaches a special attention to the problem of medical personnel. Today, the region is short of medical personnel regardless of the fact that Gomel has its own Medical University. There is a shortage of the medical personnel not only in the regional centers but in big towns as well. According to Nikolai Vasilkov, this problem will be settled by the middle of 2010 due to graduates of Gomel Medical University. According to the head of the Health Department of the Gomel Oblast Executive Committee, the implementation of the program will require more than Br150 billion.
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