Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



7 March 2007

Gomel oblast launches youth action “Save! Preserve! Create!”

The youth ecological action “Save! Preserve! Create!” has been started in Gomel oblast. By the end of April the youth of Gomel oblast will make their own contribution on solution of ecological problems of the region. The action was initiated by the youth department of the Gomel oblast executive committee and it was supported by the oblast department of housing-communal services, the committee for natural resources and environment protection and the Gomel production forestry association. The aim of the action is to attract the attention of young people to problems of ecology and values of the healthy lifestyle, BelTA has been informed in the youth department. The action will include three stages. The first stage will be running through March 15. It was named as “Youth for Cleanness of Suburbs”. During this stage the youth volunteer brigades under the auspices of the local authorities will introduce order in towns and settlements’ suburbs. During the second stage which will be running through March 31, the young people of the region will take part in renovation of yards, sports and play grounds. The final stage “Green Zone!” will be held in April. The young people will take part in planting trees and gardens.
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