Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



6 December 2007

Gomel oblast, Poland’s regions develop trade and economic cooperation

Alexander Yakobson, the chairman of the Gomel oblast executive committee, is in Poland on a visit to expand contacts with the Polish regions. Alexander Yakobson is accompanied by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to Poland and Pavel Latushko. In Warsaw Alexander Yakobson met with business circles of the Polish capital and Pomerania province. The meeting focused on the ways of promoting products of Gomel-based companies onto Poland’s market, bilateral cooperation, attraction of Polish investments, construction of hotels, trade centres and other facilities in Gomel oblast with participation of Belarusian and Polish companies. A Belarusian delegation comprising representatives of the Gomel oblast executive committee, Gomel town council, Belarusian companies Gomelavia, Gomelkhlebprom and Gomeltourist, is visiting the Lubuskie province, which administrative centre is the town of Zielona Gуra. The delegation is accompanied by consul general of Belarus to Poland Ruslan Esin. At a meeting in the town of Gorzуw Wielkopolski, representatives of the Gomel Branch of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and West Chamber of Commerce and Industry discussed promising cooperation areas. The two chambers are set to sign a cooperation agreement. Gomelkhlebprom and a local bakery signed an agreement on supplying a trial consignment from Gomel to the Lubuskie province. “This is another step on the way of strengthening mutually beneficial trade and economic cooperation between Belarusian and Polish regions,” consul general Ruslan Esin told BelTA. “The visit shows that there is a need to strengthen regional contacts in trade-economic, investment and innovation cooperation areas,” the diplomat said. “The work in this direction is an important element on the way of creating the good neighborliness belt around Belarus,” Ruslan Esin believes. During the visit to the Lubuskie province the Belarusian delegation plans to hold conferences on transfrontier cooperation and to visit several local companies. The trip of the Belarusian delegation is a return visit. A delegation of the province headed by Marszalek of the province Krzysztof Szymanski paid a visit to Gomel oblast in September 2007. The visit will end on December 7.
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