Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



5 June 2006

Gomel oblast to allocate Br66 billion to finance nature-conservative measures

Gomel oblast will allocate Br66 billion this year to finance the nature-conservative measures, chairman of the Gomel oblast committee of natural resources and environmental protection Oleg Akushko has stated today during the roundtable dedicated to the World Day of Environmental Protection. The financial resources will be assigned by the national fund of environmental protection. According to Oleg Akushko, in drafting the program for utilization of the allocated funds, a priority is given to the measures of national and oblastwise plan of actions on rational use of natural resources and environmental protection fro 2006-2010. Thus, over Br13 billion will be allotted to improve water supply to the population, over Br14 billion – to prevent harmful impact of the waste on environment. About Br18 billon will be allocated to finance the measures on community development, beautification, improving the sanitary state of the territories, augmenting the fertility of soils and preserving the fauna. As it was noted at the sitting, over the recent five years Gomel oblast has made great progress in environmental issues. Last year alone more than 600 transport vehicles were converted to gas-motor fuel. While the industrial production is growing, the emissions of harmful substances have decreased by 6 thousand tons a year as against 2000. The discharge of poorly purified wastewater has reduced. A special emphasis is placed on protection of water resources and supplying of the population with clean drinking water. Four deironing plans were inaugurated last year in the townships and villages of Gomel oblast. Some 37 water supply points with deironing stations will be constructed and reconstructed this year within the frames of the agro-towns community development program.
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