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16 June 2011

Gomel Oblast to build agricultural warehouses in Kaliningrad

GOMEL, 16 June (BelTA) - Gomel Oblast will build warehouses for storage and sale of exported agricultural products in Kaliningrad. The agreement on this project was reached during the visit of the official delegation of the western region of Russia to Gomel Oblast. The delegation headed by the regional governor Nikolai Tsukanov comprises more than 20 people. When discussing the issues of food supply to Kaliningrad Oblast, the parties expressed the opinion that this work should be based on modern-day logistics. This means having goods in stock and in a wide range. For example, potato can be transported by rail in autumn, stored and sold throughout a year until the next harvest. The same applies to vegetables, canned goods, meat products and other goods. The Chairman of the Gomel Oblast Executive Committee instructed the relevant agencies to begin working on technical specifications for this project. The Kaliningrad authorities are ready to provide the land plots and all necessary infrastructure for warehouses construction projects. During the talks the parties also agreed on supply of onion from Gomel Oblast to full satisfy the demand of Kaliningrad Oblast in this vegetable.

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