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25 May 2009

Gomel oblast to spend Br400m on equipment to control quality of animal products

GOMEL, May 25 (BelTA) — Gomel oblast governor Alexander Yakobson has signed an order to allocate budget funding for buying a highly effective liquid chromatograph. The equipment will enable the oblast vet lab to carry out an extensive express analysis of animal products, including examination to verify the presence of antibiotics, BelTA learnt from Viktor Kurpatov, Head of the Veterinary Office of the Gomel Oblast Committee for Agriculture and Food. Highly effective liquid chromatography allows detecting up to 30 kinds of antibiotics and heavy metals in meat and milk. It is extremely important for controlling the quality of products made by processing industry enterprises as well as for controlling the quality of exported products. “The Russian side is mainly complaining about traces of antibiotics in Belarusian products. Now we will be able to control the situation and have the full picture as to whether the claims are objective or not,” said the specialist. The liquid chromatograph will also allow monitoring the quality of milk and meat in companies and areas. It will accelerate the speed and improve the quality of analysis, reducing the analysis cost at the same time. The equipment is expected to cost around Br400 million. A tender for buying the equipment has been announced.

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