Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



27 September 2007

Gomel oblast’s fuel oil stockpiles 16.6% above target

By the forthcoming heating season the Gomel oblast has stockpiled 58.3 thousand tonnes of fuel oil, or 16.6% above the target, Vladimir Mikhasev, the head of the housing and communal services department of the Gomel Oblast Executive Committee, told reporters on September 27. The majority of the region’s companies, which have their own boiler-houses to heat residential areas, stockpiled the fuel oil in bulk for steady work of heat sources within 10 days. Educational establishments of the region, which have 386 boiler-houses, have developed and implemented organizational measures to prepare for the autumn-winter season of 2007-2008. In particular, they stockpiled 10.375 thousand tonnes of peat briquettes (65%), 9 tonnes of heating oil, 37.726 thousand cubic meters of firewood (74%). To carry out the works to prepare for the forthcoming autumn-winter season, the educational establishments of the Gomel oblast attracted Br2.1 billion of extra-budgetary funds.
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