Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



28 July 2006

Gomel region deploys 88 rapid repair teams to service grain drying facilities

Eighty-eight fast response repair teams have been created in Gomel region to service grain drying facilities. Representatives of Gomel region administration's agriculture and food committee told BelTA, at present 97 per cent of the available grain dryers and 95 per cent of the available winnowing machine are ready. The readiness status is expected to reach 100 per cent in the next few days. According to the source, to hit the target 88 specialised repair teams were created for restoring the facilities and servicing them through the harvesting campaign. The teams include specialists of district agricultural services as well as regional organisations and enterprises in charge of the start-up and commissioning of the facilities. Their aid already allowed assembling and commissioning 12 new grain dryers, which had been supplied to the region as part of the national programme aimed at remodelling the grain drying and winnowing facilities. The source added, at the same time repairs meant to renew road approaches and open air grain storage grounds are being completed.
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