Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



25 September 2006

Gomel region teachers get their own anthem

Gomel region teachers now have an anthem of their own. The lyrics were written by Vladimir Ivanov of Oktyabr school of Korma district, the music — by Valeriy Orlov, artistic director of Gomel Region Technical and Creative Student Talents Centre. Today the anthem was played for the first time as the region’s best pedagogues were commended, education department head of Gomel region administration Mariya Bondar told BelTA. The anthem was chosen through a competition. Every district education board submitted their lyrics. A regional commission chose the best to name the one by the pedagogue from Korma district the best. The Gomel region teacher’s anthem is supposed to be played during official events arranged by Gomel region administration’s education department, during professional holidays related to the teaching trade as well as during contests The Best Professional. According to Mariya Bondar, the teacher’s anthem will contribute to raising the teacher’s authority and will be used to bring together all Gomel region pedagogical workers.
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