Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



19 April 2006

Gomel region to spend Br315 billion on overcoming Chernobyl consequences in 2006

This year's budget of Gomel region sets Br315 billion for alleviating consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe, which makes 14.9 per cent of the budget expenditure. More than half of the sum – Br 187.7 billion – will be spent on executing the law "Social security of Chernobyl-affected Belarusians", representatives of the region council of deputies' budget and finance commission told BelTA. Free dinners for schoolchildren in the most affected areas will be funded with almost Br74 billion, summer recreation for children – Br250 million, protective agricultural measures – over Br68 billion. Chernobyl agriculture appropriations are increased by 12 per cent in comparison with 2005. As a result, Gomel region agricultural expenditure will make Br145.2 million per 1,000 hectares or twice as much than the average nation-wide level. The budget also provides appropriations for resettling residents from low population density settlements in the radioactive pollution area – Br5.8 billion. This year Br15 billion will be allocated for buying medical equipment and improving municipal services for the population in the most polluted areas.
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