Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



20 June 2006

Gomel region vocational schools to take over 8,000 freshmen

Over 8,000 people will be able to continue their education at vocational schools of Gomel region. Representatives of Gomel region administration’s education department told BelTA, the vocational schools have already started accepting entrance documents. Today there are 39 such educational establishments in the region, which offer 128 professions. This year the vocational schools will enrol 154 people fewer than last year. The source explained, the number of students was decreased taking into account the demographic situation and the real demand for specialists educated at the vocational schools. Besides, every vocational school had its number of students determined in view of the contracts signed with future employers of the graduates. The source added, the region preserves special education of qualified professionals, who are enrolled using a separate entry at five vocational schools of the region. Some 300 students will be educated using contracts signed with national unitary enterprises Belgeologiya, Beltelecom, Belpochta, Gomel branch of the Belarusian Railways, Gomelpromstroi, a consumer services agency and Construction Trust #27. This year the vocational schools will also enrol over 300 students on chargeable basis.
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