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13 June 2006

Gomel rescue workers assume humane attitude to trapping wild animals

Gomel rescue workers will start using human instruments while trapping wild animals. The regional natural resources and environmental protection committee will help equip the emergency units with modern instruments. A representative of the regional emergency response agency told BelTA, they are planning to reequip units, which save wild birds and animals. Emergency units often have to respond to calls to save the wild life. Over the last two years they saved racoons, beavers, swans, cranes, elks, storks and other animals. Up till now the emergency workers used everyday tools to trap the animals, which made the process complicated and dangerous for birds and animals. The regional natural resources and environmental protection committee apportioned Br10 million for the emergency agency to buy humane trapping instruments. Thanks to the financial assistance the agency will be equipped with special nets, nooses, and scoop nets. They plan to buy air rifles, sedatives and many more things. Once fully equipped, rescue rangers will be able to trap wild animals with minimum harm done and deliver the wild creatures to their habitats after the animals are given the necessary aid.
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