Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



21 November 2006

Gomel to celebrate 63rd anniversary of liberation from Nazis

This week Gomel will organize a number of events to celebrate the 63rd anniversary of the liberation from the Nazis. As BelTA has learnt in the ideology department of the Gomel town council, the celebrations will start on November 21 in all districts of the town. Chairman of the Gomel town council Alexander Beliaev will meet with veterans of the Great Patriotic War in the Museum of Military Glory. The participants of the meeting will hold a roundtable there as well. Flower laying ceremonies at the Soviet soldiers’ communal graves and other WWII monuments will be held on November 24. Meetings of veterans and students will be held in local schools. On November 25, Gomel residents will take part in the 14th international race devoted to the liberation of the town.
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