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14 July 2009

Grand Duchess Maria Romanova to visit Gomel oblast

MINSK, 14 July (BelTA) – The Head of the Russian Imperial House, Her Imperial Highness the Grand Duchess (de jure Her Imperial Majesty the Empress of all Russias) Maria Vladimirovna Romanova is visiting the Gomel oblast on 16-18 July, BelTA learnt from the Gomel Oblast Executive Committee press service. The Grand Duchess is planning to meet with heads of the Gomel Oblast Executive Committee and the town of Gomel. Maria Vladimirovna will be welcomed by Archbishop of Gomel and Zhlobin Aristarch at Sts Paul and Peter’s Cathedral in Gomel, who will lead a service for the royal passion bearers (the family of Emperor Nikolai Romanov). Maria Romanova is going to visit the republican scientific and practical centre of radiation medicine and human ecology, Gomel Palace and Park Ensemble, the museum of folk art in Vetka, the monuments to the Duchess of Warsaw Irina Paskevich-Erivanskaya and Duke Nikolai Rumyantsev, the memorial to war soldiers. The press service noted, that the Head of the Russian Imperial House Her Imperial Highness the Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna Romanova is visiting Belarus to meet with compatriots, to visit the sacred places in Belarus and honour the memory of the defenders of the Motherland. This visit will help revive and enhance spiritual unity of all the peoples bound by the common history and great all-Russian culture.

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