Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



10 August 2007

Harvesting campaign coming to end in Gomel oblast

This year’s harvesting campaign is coming to an end in Gomel oblast, BelTA was told in the oblast committee for agriculture and foodstuffs. The oblast has harvested about 90% of the area under crops. The Loev, Khoiniki, Narovlya, Elsk, Bragin and Zhitkovichi regions have harvested more than 96% of the area under grain crops. The gross grain yield is approaching 700 thousand tons while the average crop capacity makes 24,4 centners per hectare. Since the first days of the campaign the Rechitsa and Buda-Koshelevo regions have been taking leading positions. The average crop capacity makes 40 centners per hectare there. Teams of combine operators representing these regions have been leading in the oblast grain harvesting competition as well. According to the source, those combine harvesters which have completed the campaign are sent to the neighbouring regions and local households.
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