Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



6 July 2007

In 2010 some 40% of social facilities of Gomel oblast to be fitted with special equipment for disabled people

Till the end of 2010 Gomel oblast plans to fit up to 40% of all its social facilities with ramps and other special equipment for physically disabled people. This figure is stipulated in the oblast programme on barrier free environment for physically disabled people for 2007-2010 approved by the Gomel oblast council of deputies. As BelTA was told in the oblast council of deputies, the programme is aimed at removing obstructions on the path of travel of the disabled and physically weak people to the social facilities and at enhancing their living standard. In particular, in line with the programme socially important facilities will be fitted with special technical equipment and the share of such facilities will be gradually increased in 2007-2010. This year the oblast executive committee plans to compile an inventory of all social facilities including blocks of flats, which are not fit for the users with limited abilities. In the near future about 580 houses and apartments will be equipped with special ramps, handrails, elevators, etc. The oblast executive committee also plans to purchase 60 low-floor and special buses.
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