Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



6 December 2006

In January-November, Gomel oblast increases milk production by eight per cent

In January-November, 2006, the milk production in the public sector of Gomel oblast made up 555 thousand tons, or 8 up as against the same period last year, BelTA has been informed in the committee on agriculture and foodstuffs of the Gomel oblast executive committee. All the regions of the oblast increased the gross milk yield. However, the best results were reached in the Dobrush region (20 per cent up), Svetlogorsk region (15 per cent up) and the Vetka region (14 per cent up). All the regions strengthened the milk productiveness as well. The average yield of milk per cow in the oblast made up 3,306 kg, or 240 kg more as against 2005. According to specialists, the efficiency of milk production of Gomel oblast will continue growing as the oblast farms stocked fodder for the winter period six per cent more as against last year.
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