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16 July 2010

Lukashenko ‘does not think about elections yet’

RECHITSA REGION, 16 July (BelTA) – President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko admitted that he does not think about pre-election publicity moves and the oncoming presidential campaign yet. The Belarus President made the relevant statement for mass media on 16 July, BelTA has learned. “Properly arranging the harvesting campaign, preparing the next year’s budget along with the program for the next five-year term, arranging the All-Belarusian People’s Congress are the most important things for me now. Those are my publicity moves,” said the Belarusian head of state. Alexander Lukashenko admitted that he does not have time to think about the presidential election for now. “If I run for the presidency, it will be as easier for me as sooner we gather in the harvest. It is not public relations in Europe or overseas that is important for me now. Public relations here, in this land are important for me,” said the head of state. The President remarked that after meeting with residents of Holmech on that day, he truly saw the changes that had happened in the 16 years of his presidency. “We have done a lot in our country. It is my publicity move if you like,” said Alexander Lukashenko. He added that in the near future illustrated books will be published to highlight what major and medium facilities have been built in Belarus in recent years. Speaking about opposition politicians, Alexander Lukashenko said: “I thought they should get together and nominate two or three candidates but not ten! Western politicians told me that the opposition is undetermined. In response I said it is up to them. Every one of them has grants and mass media have correctly labeled them as grant suckers. They use the grants to live prosperous lives. If they remove their candidacies, they will not be able to earn their living. They are no longer used to working. They are all homeless and jobless. There are many of them now naturally due to the political struggle and money. Hopes that they are about to come up with a single president and will replace the incumbent president are phantasms of a hope. Well, may god bless them. Once we are close to the presidential elections, we will talk about this elemental subject in more detail. Now elements are loose in the opposition. It is their problem. Honestly speaking I am not very much into it,” added the head of state.

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