Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



21 August 2007

Manufacturers from Chinese city Huaian seek cooperation with Gomel companies

Manufacturers from the Chinese city Huaian are interested in promoting economic cooperation with Gomel companies, Ms Li, the head of the Chinese delegation and the Vice-President of the Permanent Committee of the Huaian Public Congress, said today when meeting with top officials of the Gomel oblast executive committee. Huaian and Gomel have been twin-cities for more than 10 years. The sides exchange delegations and take part in various solemn events on a regular basis. Within this period the two cities have established close cultural and sports links. At the same time, Ms Li said, Huaian and Gomel have not examined their economic opportunities yet. According to the head of the Chinese delegation, Huaian top officials expressed keen interest in the offer of the Gomel authorities to promote trade-economic relations. According to her, during the two-day visit to the twin-city the Chinese delegation will study Gomel’s economic potential and will consider possible implementation of several investment projects. In particular, the Chinese guests want to visit Spartak Co., the production association Gomselmash and Free Economic Zone Gomel-Raton. Ms Li added that promising cooperation areas would be outlined during the visit. After that representatives of the Gomel companies interested in cooperation with the Chinese side will visit Huaian to consider possible joint projects in detail.
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