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27 June 2007

Memorial devoted to children - war victims to be unveiled in Zhlobin region on June 28

On June 28, the memorial devoted to the children – victims of the war and the Chernobyl accident will be unveiled in the village of Krasnyi Bereg of the Zhlobin region, BelTA learnt from deputy head of the culture department of the Gomel Oblast Executive Committee Olga Antonenko. The monument was inspired by actual events during the Great Patriotic War. During the war, in the village of Krasnyi Bereg, the German troops set up an assembly place for the children aged between 8-14 from the Zhlobin, Rogachev, Streshin, Dobrush and other regions to send them to Germany as donors for the wounded German soldiers and officers. On the whole, the Nazis took 1,990 children away from their homes including 15 children from the Krasnyi Bereg rural council whose names have been identified already. The commission ahs not learnt the names of the rest 1,975 children. According to Olga Antonenko, the opening ceremony will last 45 minutes – the time of a school lesson. Attending the ceremony will be more than 200 children – students of various art schools and culture centres. Nina Migai, a native of the village of Krasnyi Bereg, a witness of those events, will be among the guests of the ceremony. Representatives of the local authorities and the Gomel Orthodox Eparchy, creators of the monument, locals and students will attend the ceremony as well.
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