Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



31 October 2008

More than Br260bln to be assigned for modernization of construction branch of Gomel oblast in 2009-2015

More than Br260 billion is expected to be assigned for the technical modernization of the construction branch of the Gomel oblast in 2005-2015, BelTA learnt in the Committee for Construction and Architecture of the Gomel Oblast Executive Committee. At present, the consumption of fixed capital of the regional construction branch reached 65% (tower cranes (almost 90%), excavating machinery (70%), autocranes (more than 85%). The modernization of the material and technical base will allow the construction companies of the Gomel oblast to increase labour productivity and construction volumes. From 2009 to 2015, more than Br260 billion will be assigned for purchasing of more than 1 thousand units of construction machinery for the companies of the Belarusian Ministry of Architecture and Construction which operate in the region.

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