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5 July 2007

Red Cross Societies of Belarus and Ukraine to sign cooperation agreement

The Red Cross Societies of Belarus and Ukraine intend to sign a cooperation agreement, President of the Red Cross Society of Ukraine Ivan Kosyuchenko told BelTA. Today a session of the Interstate Coordination Committee on Chernobyl was held in Gomel. The session was organized by the Belarusian Red Cross Society, Gomel oblast mission of the Red Cross Society, republican scientific and practical center of radiation medicine and human ecology. Attending the session were heads of the Red Cross Societies of Russia and Ukraine. The main avenues of cooperation between the Belarusian and Ukrainian Societies will be assistance to the public during emergency situations, AIDS prevention, and social support of HIV-positive people, exchange of experience. “The Ukrainian party is ready for such cooperation as we have been successfully solving this kind of problems in partnership with the Belarusian Red Cross Society for quite a time already,” Ivan Kosyuchenko said. He has also noted that such agreements will be signed between neighboring regions of Belarus and Ukraine.
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