Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



28 April 2008

Revenues of Gomel oblast budget 40% up in January-March 2008

Revenues of the Gomel oblast budget gained over Br500 billion in January-March 2008, 40% up on the same period of last year. The data was voiced by head of the financial department Tamara Sushkina at a session of the Gomel Oblast Executive Committee on April 28. In her words, the revenue part of the budget is being fulfilled in quite an optimistic way. “We managed to increase the planned revenues by Br113.6 billion,” said Tamara Sushkina. The data indicates good performance of the oblast economy. The industrial output growth totalled 24% instead of the planned 12.8%, that is the oblast received Br10 billion in additional revenues. The additional revenues will be channelled into financing budget expenses, for instance, capital investments and support for the oblast agriculture.
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