Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



17 April 2006

River cuts off 22 houses in Gomel

Due to the rising water level of the river Sozh in Gomel, some city streets have been flooded. Twenty-two resident houses were cut off in one of the streets. According to the press service of the regional emergency service department, today's water level in the river Sozh reaches 556 centimetres, which is only 4 centimetres less than the level, which triggers a special flooding emergency routine. At present three streets of Novobelitskiy district of Gomel are partially flooded. Twenty-two houses in Polevaya Street are cut off by the water. The source informed, a boat ferry has been established to transport people. The residents were suggested that they should re-settle till the situation gets back to normal. So far only two families have decided to do so and have been granted temporary housing. The water level of the river Sozh stopped climbing on Sunday afternoon. The water level is expected to go down from now on.
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