Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



9 June 2006

Rumyantsev-Paskevich Palace hosts celebrations in honour of Gomel best graduates

Today Rumiantsev-Paskevich Palace hosted celebrations in honour of the best graduates of Gomel. Some 108 winners of republican Olympiads, their teachers and parents as well as the town administration gathered for this solemn event. In his speech Gomel mayor Alexander Belyev noted that the state will continue rendering assistance to talented and gifted young people. “We have educated a nice new generation who will continue glorifying the country,” he added. Honorary diplomas, medals, presents and flowers were presented to graduates. After completing the solemn part, a concert was given. As BelTA was informed by chair of the Gomel town executive committee Alexander Belyev, this is the first time the party has been thrown in the palace of the Rumiantsevs and Paskeviches. He believes that an event of such a scale will become a tradition.
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