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28 October 2008

School similar to Gomel Emergency Services Lyceum may be set up in Ukraine

An educational institution similar to Gomel-based Emergency Services Lyceum may be set up in Ukraine, said Emergencies Minister of Ukraine Vladimir Shandra as he visited Lyceum of Gomel engineering institute of the Emergencies Ministry of Belarus on October 28. Ukraine does not have any educational institutions under the Emergencies Ministry, Vladimir Shandra said. According to him, the Emergencies Ministry intends to initiate changes to the Ukrainian law with a view to getting a possibility to set up such an educational institution in Ukraine. Gomel host a session of the joint Belarusian-Ukrainian committee on cooperation in the area of emergencies prevention and response on October 28. The Ukrainian delegation got familiar with the work of the educational institutions under the Emergencies Ministry of Belarus. Founded in 2003, the lyceum provides education to more than 200 teenagers, of whom 70% are social orphans.

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