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21 April 2006

Shunichi Yamashita: aftermaths of Chernobyl catastrophe and A-bombing of Japan are similar

The Chernobyl catastrophe and A-bombing of Japan have many things in common, head of the radiation medicine department of the World Health Organization Shunichi Yamashita told a briefing in Gomel State Medical University. Although dwellers of Hiroshima were exposed to external radiation while Gomel residents were exposed to internal one, i.e. via food and air, still some similarities between the two accidents can be found. For example, both Japanese and Belarusians reported increased number of thyroid gland cancers. Gomel State Medical University and centre of the radiation medicine and human ecology are core bases for mitigation of medical consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe. Shunichi Yamashita took note of the fact that Nagasaki and Gomel Medical Universalities have established close cooperation. Thus, Gomel University launched a Telemedicine project under the aegis of the World Health Organization. Within the frames of the project Gomel students and teachers have an opportunity to get direct consultations from their Japanese colleagues which was demonstrated after the briefing.
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