Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



25 May 2006

This year Gomel oblast to allocate Br12 billion to repair its educational establishments

This year Gomel oblast will allocate Br12 billion to repair its educational establishments. The educational establishments of the region have already started preparing for a new school year. As BelTA was informed by deputy head of the oblast educational department Tatyana Atrokhova, in summer more than 1,5 such establishments will be repaired. The oblast budget will allocate funds for the facilities, which need repair most. The matter concerns replacement of roofs, renewal of communications and strengthening of the frame structure of the buildings. Tatyana Atrokhova added that regional budgets, private and state companies and organizations will be involved in the process. It will let do full repair work according to the schedule and start the school year in refreshed educational establishments.
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