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6 October 2011

Twelve Belarusian equipment assembling plants open in Kazakhstan in 2010-2011

GOMEL, 6 October (BelTA) – Twelve plants to assemble Belarusian equipment has been opened in Kazakhstan in 2010-2011, Belarus Vice Premier Valery Ivanov told a briefing during the 8th session of the intergovernmental Belarus-Kazakhstan commission for trade and economic cooperation in Gomel on 6 October. Valery Ivanov praised the implementation of the roadmap, a bilateral program for trade and economic cooperation slated for completion in 2016. Over the last two years, 12 assembling plants of Belarusian equipment have been opened in Kazakhstan. Four more will be commissioned this year. The plants assemble Belarusian dump and mine trucks, tractors, combine harvesters, engines, balers, lifts, many more. In general, from 2005 to 2010 the trade between Belarus and Kazakhstan increased more than 4 times from $215 million to $870 million. Positive trend persists this year, too. Valery Ivanov reported that the meeting approved the activities under the Road Map program for the next two years. It includes cooperation in such areas as industrial cooperation, mutual supply of goods and services, agriculture, energy, investment, small and medium-sized business, education and culture, sport and tourism. The sides are set to expand the existing assembly facilities. For example, production of tractors in Kazakhstan will be increased to 1,500 in 2012; new joint projects will be launched. As an immediate strategic objective the Vice Premier outlined the need to maximize the use of raw materials, production, scientific and technological, educational and other resources of the partner states. Valery Ivanov expressed confidence that successful cooperation will contribute to the Single Economic Space, which will start operating on 1 January 2012.

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