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20 June 2007

USA to continue cooperation with Gomel oblast in humanitarian sphere

The USA intends to continue cooperation with establishments of the Gomel oblast in humanitarian sphere, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the USA in the Republic of Belarus Karen Stewart noted today during her meeting with Chairman of the Gomel Oblast Council of Deputies Valeriy Selitskiy. Their meeting was held in the Gomel Oblast Executive Committee. During a one-day visit, the US Ambassador will hand over a humanitarian aid (antibiotics and other medications) at the amount of $1.8 million to the Gomel Oblast Oncological Center, visit the Gomel Oblast Universal Library and the Palace-Park Ensemble of the city. The diplomat noted, renovation of one of the buildings of city’s ambulance hospital, recuperation of Belarusian children are among the projects which will be implemented. The embassy will continue to render aid for other health care establishments of the southeast region of Belarus. In turn, Chairman of the Gomel Oblast Council of Deputies Valeriy Selitskiy noted that the Gomel oblast is interested in expanding the cooperation with the United States of America “not only in humanitarian sphere, but in economic as well”.
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