Address: 247802, g.Narovlya, Communist street, 3



19 April 2012

Vetka Museum tours to go multilingual

GOMEL, 19 April (BelTA) – Visitors of the Vetka Popular Art Museum will be offered e-guide services in four languages. The announcement was made at the opening ceremony for the Live Voice of Traditions program seeking conservation of the cultural and spiritual legacy. The program is sponsored by the UN Development Program as part of the International Chernobyl Research and Information Network (ICRIN) project, BelTA has learnt. Necessary electronic equipment has been purchased for the museum to organize the work of the e-guide and demonstrate thematic films in audio and video formats. According to UNDP deputy representative in Belarus Farid Karahanov who attended the presentation of the program, the latest equipment allows the museum to organize its work on a qualitatively new level. “The move will boost the number of tourists in the museum and the region in general,” he said. The contribution of the international organization to the Live Voice of Traditions program made up $7,000, with Belarus allocating $10,500 for these purposes. On the whole, the ICRIN project envisages nine initiatives for seven regions of the oblast. The UNDP is set to allocate $60,400 for different projects in culture, education, healthcare and nature-conservative measures. The ICRIN project is implemented jointly by the World Health Organization, the United Nations Children’s Fund, the International Atomic Energy Agency and the United Nations Development Program. Partaking in the project on Belarus’ behalf is the Emergencies Ministry.

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