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10 September 2007

Working group to promote agro-eco-tourism set up in Gomel oblast

The Gomel Oblast Executive Committee, the Belarusian public association “Countryside Recreation” and the oblast department of OAO Belagroprombank concluded an agreement on cooperation in implementation of projects in the sphere of agro-eco-tourism, BelTA learnt from Vadim Karmazin, the deputy head of the Gomel oblast physical culture, sport and tourism department. The basic aim of the agreement is to promote agro-eco-tourism in the region. Thus, during the first stage, special working groups, which will consider the projects related to organization of new agro-tourist centers and recreation areas, are expected to be set up till the end of September. After this, loans will be allocated to implement the most promising projects. According to Vadim Karmazin, as of today, around 30 projects have been already prepared. In early October, they are expected to be presented. According to the specialist, OAO Belagroprombank proposes to provide organizational, information and financial support. The bank plans to issue loans to individuals and farms. The bank will give loans in national currency for 5-7 years with 5% interest rate per annum.
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