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17 April 2008

About 130 graduate students from foreign countries attend Belarus’ universities and research centres

About 130 graduate students from foreign countries attend Belarus’ universities and research centres annually, deputy head of the State Committee for Science and Technologies Igor Voitov noted during the opening of the international research conference “Innovations and training highly skilled research workers in Belarus and abroad” in Minsk. “The interest of foreign states in cooperation with Belarus in the sphere of highly skilled personnel training grows constantly,” he noted. The most popular research areas among the foreign graduate students in Belarus are medicine, economy and management, quality control and certification. According to Igor Voitov, at present the Belarus State Committee for Science and Technologies is discussing the issues regarding the strengthening of the cooperation in personnel training with universities of many countries including Venezuela, Vietnam, China and Iran. “They are interested in training the graduate students in this country and in involving the Belarusian scientists to work at their universities,” he said. Foreign partners show a special interest in cooperation with Belarusian scientists in the sphere of nano- and biotechnologies, information and space technologies, instrument-making and laser technologies. The deputy head of the Belarus State Committee for Science and Technologies noted that Belarus will develop the cooperation with foreign research centres in the field of training the highly skilled specialists, receive greater number of foreign graduate students. However, to make this we should solve some problems. “Giving accommodation to foreign students is one of the most urgent problems,” he said. The international research conference “Innovations and training highly skilled research workers in Belarus and abroad” is running in Minsk on April 17-18. Participants of the conference is discussing the issues relating to personnel training for science, education and management system, the issues relating to the cooperation with other countries. Attending the forum are heads of ministries and governmental departments, research centres of Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Armenia, China and Iran. They are discussing the problems relating to provision of the priority branches of the economy with highly skilled personnel, educational standards for personnel training and retraining, innovation education and managers training, other issues. The conference has been organized by the Belarus State Committee for Science and Technologies, the Supreme Certifying Commission, the Belarus National Academy of Sciences, the Belarusian Education Ministry.
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