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18 September 2008

Alexander Lukashenko: Belarus has ever aimed for good relations with Europe

Belarus has ever aimed to establish good relations with Europe, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko told foreign mass media in an interview on September 18. “Since the very first days of my presidency I clearly determined the country’s foreign policy strategy assuming that it should be multiple-vector,” stressed the head of state. “Our foreign policy cannot be different: it is necessitated by the country’s geographical position,” said Alexander Lukashenko. “It is known that we are not only an inalienable part of Europe but its geographical centre”. The President added Belarus mentality is another factor urging towards solid and friendly relations with Western Europe countries. “Our nation is friendly, non-aggressive, and hardworking, is used to earn its living and have a mind of its own. This is why the Belarusians have never wanted worsening relations with our neighbours,” underlined the head of state. Alexander Lukashenko also added, economy encourages Belarus to pursue an open multiple-vector policy. On September 18 the President of Belarus gave an interview to the Financial Times (UK) and the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Germany).

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