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17 February 2009

Alexander Lukashenko: Belarus is not going to deceive West

MINSK, February 17 (BelTA) – Belarus is not going to deceive the West, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko told reporters in Mogilev. “It is just clumsy babble of the opposition who says that Lukashenko allegedly deceives Europe. I have never ever intended to deceive anyone, I have always advocated honest and transparent policy. And Europe understands it now,” the head of state underlined. “I would like to point out: no one should think that I am trying to please the West. I do only what benefits or many benefit our people,” Alexander Lukashenko said. “Are we interested in close ties with the European Union, the kind of relations that we have developed with Russia? Very much so. Both Europe and Belarus are interested in it,” he added. The President underlined that today Belarus and the West are seeking constructive cooperation. “Europe has realized that it cannot talk with our country by forcing something on us,” Alexander Lukashenko said. Some changes took place in the dialogue between Minsk and the West, and western politicians realize the importance of Belarus for the regional stability as our country blocks the traffic of illegal drugs and immigrants as well as arms (including nuclear elements) in Europe. “They understood that it is better to have an honest, predictable partner who is willing to undertake reciprocal steps and even some steps in anticipation,” the Belarusian leader said. “We are ready to proceed with this policy in the interests of our society,” he added. The head of state pointed out that he always recommends the ministers who are in contact with European politicians to no way promise them what the Belarusian side will not be able to do. Alexander Lukashenko criticized representatives of the so-called opposition for making an inadequate list of requirements to the Belarusian government for Europe. “They have written a real petition for the Czech Presidency – I have this document on my table. The Czech Presidency has started to shape Belarus-EU agenda on the basis of the requirements of the so-called opposition which you will not be able to see even through magnifying glass,” the President said. “This approach to the negotiations is absolutely unpromising,” he added. The head of state reminded that Minsk and Brussels have already developed an agenda which consists of some really important issues, “not the opposition’ demands”. “The opposition will not exert their pressure on us using the EU or the United States,” Alexander Lukashenko underlined. “If someone is caught in criminal activity here, he immediately calls himself an “oppositionist”. Europe has already understood it,” Alexander Lukashenko said. The head of state commented on the attempts of some opposition members to avoid the army service. “Everyone should serve in the army: I did and my children did,” he said.

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