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27 February 2008

Alexander Lukashenko: no cardinal changes in Belarus’ foreign policy

Belarus is not going to drastically change its foreign policy, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said as he made several personnel appointments on February 26. The press service of the head of state quoted him as saying, Belarus’ policy has had and will have multiple vectors. “There are no and cannot be any cardinal changes,” said the head of state. “More and more people have been claiming lately that Belarus is radically changing its foreign policy, doing someone’s bidding. We have been pursuing an accurate well-considered foreign policy. If we make compromises sometimes like we do with the European Union lately, I wouldn’t say we have changed the direction of our foreign policy and try to flirt with the West like some say”. Alexander Lukashenko remarked, located in the centre of Europe between Russia and the West, Belarus has to build normal relations with its neighbours. “No matter how hard we are pressured and stained, if something contradicts our laws, we will not be forced to abandon our principles,” underscored the President of Belarus.
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