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2 June 2011

All kinds of instrumental folk music at Postavy dulcimer music festival

MINSK, 2 June (BelTA) – Nearly all kinds of instrumental folk music will be demonstrated at the 14th international dulcimer and accordion music festival in the Belarusian town of Postavy on 3-5 June, BelTA learned from Anna Smolskaya, Press Secretary of the Belarusian Culture Ministry. The festival will gather folk music amateur bands, instrumental music bands, folk song choirs, individual folk music performers. Guests from Israel, Kazakhstan, China, Lithuania, Latvia, Moldova, Poland, Russia, Czechia, and Ukraine are expected to attend the festival. Over 600 participants are expected to gather for the festival. Anna Smolskaya said that the festival is supposed to popularize folk music, improve the level of folk music performance, enrich the repertoire of folk music performers with the best folk music, encourage the use of folk music instruments, and to get visitors familiar with national traditions of instrumental folk music of the Belarusian nation and other peoples. The festival program will include a solemn opening ceremony, a contest of folk music performers, an exhibition of folk crafts, a theatrical performance “Music of Belarusian palaces and manors”, a music entertainment show Postavy Ball, a gala concert and other events. The panel of judges will include People’s Artists of Belarus, professors Mikhail Kozinets, Mikhail Drinevsky, Yevgeny Gladkov, professor, department head of the Belarusian State Music Academy, pedagogue Miron Bula, Honored Artists of Belarus Alexander Kramko and Larisa Rydlevskaya. The founders of the dulcimer and accordion music festival are the Belarusian Culture Ministry, the Culture Department of the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee, the Postavy District Executive Committee.

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