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12 March 2008

Belarus ahead of Russia, Ukraine, Poland in terms of population income growth

In 2007, population income in Belarus in real terms (considering the consumer price index) increased 2.4 times over 2000, 14.7% over 2006. This is quite a good growth, Minister of Statistics and Analysis of Belarus Vladimir Zinovsky told a press conference in Minsk on March 12. He cited the following data for comparison: last year population income in Russia went up by 10%, in Ukraine by 13%, in Azerbaijan by 22%, in Armenia by 19% and in Poland by 4.6%. Vladimir Zinovsky said that the living standards and wellbeing of the population depend on the economic and social situation in the country. In 2000-2007, GDP went up 1.7 times, which created objective prerequisites for the growth in population income. The stable upward tendency was seen in all regions of the country. Last year the highest income growth was registered in Minsk (18.4% from 2006) and Minsk oblast (17.2%), the lowest in Gomel (10.8%) and Brest (11%) oblasts. Monthly per capita income averaged $236 in equivalent as against $194 in 2006. Per capita income was 1.8 times more than the minimum consumer budget and 2.8 times more than the subsistence wage. By way of comparison: in 2000 the per capita income was 0.6% lower than the minimum consumer budget and 1.5 times higher than the subsistence wage. The income growth enhanced the people’s purchasing capacity and, accordingly, boosted retail trade which was 15.3% up in 2007.
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