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28 September 2010

Belarus’ CEC pledges maximum tolerance to potential presidential candidates

MINSK, 28 September (BelTA) – The Central Election Commission (CEC) of Belarus promises maximum tolerance within the scope of the law to potential presidential candidates. This statement was made by CEC Chairperson Lidia Yermoshina on 28 September, BelTA has learnt. “There are rules we cannot break. In line with the constitution, a person can become presidential candidate if he has been supported by at least 100,000 voters. This is why even if 10-20 signatures are missing, there is nothing we can do about it, we will have to deny the registration. But if some violations are not specifically mentioned in the constitution, we will be maximally tolerant to the candidates,” Lidia Yermoshina said. She emphasized that the CEC is doing its best to encourage competition and give voters a real opportunity to choose. The CEC Chairperson assured that the initiative groups will be assisted in every possible way. “If candidates complain of harassment or obstacles to the work of their initiative groups, the CEC will take a very decisive stand, interfere and help both initiative groups and potential candidates to get nominated,” Lidia Yermoshina said.

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