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13 August 2010

Belarus’ grain harvest enough for domestic needs and export

KALINKOVICHI, 13 August (BelTA) – The grain cropped in Belarus will be sufficient to meet the domestic needs, and the extra will be sold abroad, Prime Minister of Belarus Sergei Sidorsky told reporters in Kalinkovichi on 13 August. The Premier is on a working trip to Gomel Oblast, BelTA has learnt. The gross grain harvest in Belarus will be a bit lower than expected. The harvest losses are attributed to the severe drought in the east of the country. However, the grain harvest will be sufficient to satisfy the domestic needs in foodstuffs and fodder. “The harvest of high quality wheat that is used to make pasta is 200,000 -300,000 tonnes, this is why we do not expect problems with the raw materials. More than that, the neighboring states are asking us to sell this high quality wheat,” Sergei Sidorsky said. He noted that over the last two years the government of Belarus managed to satisfy the domestic demand for cereals. At present Belarus produces enough buckwheat, millet and other cereals. The yield of potatoes is expected at 6-7 million tonnes, which is also enough to meet the domestic demand and even to sell some potatoes abroad. About 4 million tonnes of sugar beet will be cropped, as well as the sufficient amount of vegetables. Sergei Sidorsky noted that the drought hit Gomel Oblast the hardest. The government had to dramatically slash the corn forecast. According to the Premier, the government will consider helping the Gomel Oblast cattle breeding enterprises with fodder.

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